SAN DIEGO, April 9, 2020 (Newswire.com) - The Independent Voter Project has found voters and registrars from across the state of California not happy with their 2020 Presidential primary election experience. From not receiving a correct ballot, to not being able to vote for the candidate of their choice, or in the case of LA area voters, long wait times, there's a growing call for ballot clarity and simplification to the Presidential primary.
IVP conducted a survey of more than 500 statewide voters gauging their satisfaction with the primary. The responses were overwhelmingly negative and bipartisan. Responses found here.
The ballot frustrations have also manifested into frustration for County Registrars across California.
San Diego County Registrar Michael Vu spoke to the complex nature of the California Presidential primary election: "Every four years we conduct arguably one of the most complex and confusing elections with our Presidential primary. This year's new rules regarding conditional voter registration at the polls, made an already challenging process more complex for voters, more complex for poll workers and more complex for the administration of elections. As election policies are considered, an equal amount of attention must be examined on whether the foundation of election administration can support and sustain them. There are real consequences when it cannot."
Inyo County Registrar of Voters Kami Foote noted, "After what we just saw with same-day registration party switches and people who didn't understand the NPP vote by mail process, we need to make some changes."
And Dean Logan, Registrar for Los Angeles County said, "The parties set the rules. The presidential primary is not designed with voters in mind."
Legislative Solution
The Independent Voter Project has a legislative and legal solution, AB 2207, that would simplify the voting process for nearly 6 million NPP voters across the state of California.
Assembly member Dr. Joaquin Arambula of the 31st District has agreed to bring AB 2207 to the legislature for consideration. "With an increasing number of independent and No Party Preference voters in California, we should bring consistency and openness to our state's voting system. Assembly Bill 2207 doesn't change the political parties' decisions over ballots cast in California's presidential primary held every four years; it will ensure that every voter has the ability to cast a ballot for a candidate without regard to party affiliation," said Assembly member Arambula. "It's only fair that there be the addition of a public presidential primary ballot that includes all candidates running for president. AB 2207 also would increase notification efforts from county election offices to NPP voters about their options to request a particular party's ballot, as long as that party allows crossover voting. The more information and support we can provide voters, the better."
Legal Remedy
In addition to the legislative solution, IVP is one of 7 plaintiffs suing the California Secretary of State.
Broad Support for AB2207
Additional information can be found here: http://bit.ly/ivplawsuit
Source: independent voter project